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Jumat, 03 April 2015

[REVIEW] Etude House Zero Sebum Series

Banyak yang mengalami masalah minyak di wajah yang membuat
wajah terlihat kusam dan mengkilat?
Etude House sekarang ada ngeluncurin produk baru loh untuk wajah berminyak~
Namanya Zero Sebum Series yang terdiri dari All Day Matte Gel, White Sebum Clear,
dan Drying Powder.
Moga" produk satu ini bisa deh ngetasi kilap minyak di wajahmu.
Nantikan review owner yah ^^

Have a problem with sebum that make your face dull?
Etude House has launched their new products for your sebum problems.
It called Zero Sebum series. Consist of All Day Matte Gel, White Sebum Clear,
and Drying Powder.
I hope this new product can help you to get over your sebum problem~
I'll make a review as soon as I got the product ^^
(Sorry for my English hehe)

Zero Sebum White Sebum Clear
This melts away lumps of sebum oil in sebum concentrated areas 
such as the forehead, nose, and chin.
It clears out sebum lumps on the surface of the skin 
for powdery, clean and smooth skin. 

Evenly apply onto areas concentrated with sebum oil, 
especially the forehead, bridge of the nose, and lower chin areas.
Roll onto skin and leave on for 1 minute in the busy mornings, 
or approximately 3 minutes when you have time, and lightly remove with a tissue.
(The result of usage depending of your skin condition such as pore, etc)

Zero Sebum All Day Matte Gel
This gel contains natural grain powder that removes sebum oil, delivering skin 
that feels powdery and oil-free all day.
It removes first signs of sebum oil with its gentle silicon free formula.

After applying essence in the mornings and evenings, dispense a certain amount 
and gently spread from inner to outer areas of face.
Based on skin type, apply only onto areas concentrated with 
sebum oil or apply additional layers. 

Zero Sebum Drying Powder
A mineral powder that provides clear skin without dryness or flakiness. 

After applying skincare or makeup, lightly dab onto sebum concentrated areas.

Other Tips
Beside for your face, Zero Sebum Drying Powder can be used
for your bangs to make your bangs look dry and under eyes as eye primer.
Cre; Etude Blog

9 komentar:

  1. Hi sis. Gmana review zero sebumnya? Sebum ku bukan di hidung dan dagu saja tapi di pipi juga . Bisa engga yah pake ini? Makasih

    1. halo sis.. sebumnya warna putih yah di area hidung dan dagu?
      coba aja white sebum clearnya. itu berfungsi untuk melelehkan
      sebum putihnya. setelah diaplikasikan, tinggal dilap pakai tisu.
      untuk lebih jelasnya silakan hubungi kami lwt line/bbm/katalk yah~

  2. sis mau nanya, kalo yang gel nya itu dipakenya sesudah pake serum sama mosturizer ya?

    1. boleh juga sis..
      mau lsng pake tanpa serum ma moisturizer juga bisa.

  3. hello, may i ask , use white sebum clear before cleanse face or after?

    1. hello, it will be better to use it before clean your face.

      here the instruction from etude's official site
      1. Evenly apply onto areas concentrated with sebum oil, especially the forehead, bridge of the nose, and lower chin areas.
      2. Roll onto skin and leave on for 1 minute in the busy mornings, or approximately 3 minutes when you have time, and lightly remove with a tissue.

  4. hii siss mw nanya,,,ini berbeda dengann etude wonder pore yah kegunaannya?

  5. Hai sist aku mau tny kalo aku pake bb cream dulu sebelum pake zero sebum powder nya itu tttp bs control minyak di wajah ga?? Thanks

  6. Hai sist aku mau tny kalo aku pake bb cream dulu sebelum pake zero sebum powder nya itu tttp bs control minyak di wajah ga?? Thanks
